OK. So I buy into £100 fo at the club tonight, knackered, but eager for a bit of live action. 8,000 chips for your money gives you time to wait for hands in the first few levels. In the first level 25/50 I sit down and see pocket 8's small raise to 100 before me and I call. I make a set on the flop. He bets I call. He slows down and folds when I bet.
Next hand i'm dealt KK. Raise before me, and I reraise. He calls and we see a flop. 10 high rainbow. I bet 3/4 of the pot and he folds.
Next hand. QQ. I take it down. Then AQ. Q high board and I take it down. A great start and the LAG table was perfect when you're hitting cards.
A couple of hands later i'm on the button. The UTG player calls. folded around to the cutoff who raise to 250. I look down and see AA. Super bloody duper. I pop it to 600. BB folds and the limper under the gun pops it to 1200. Yeeehaaah!! The cut off folds. Not I'm thinking perhaps Ak, AQ, AA (unlikely obviously), KK, QQ, JJ or maybe 10's given the table i'm on. I put another raise in to 2500 total to just esure he hasn't got shite. He dwells up, i stare him down (hoping he see's the sign of strength as weakness) and finally he calls. The pot sits at roughly 6k.
What happens next....??
Is my thought process betting on track here?
Saturday, 10 May 2008
In David Colemans immortal words... What happened Next??
Bankroll Management... Are you serious?
So a week or so ago I started to build my Gutshot bankroll. I started with a roll of $400 and had my ups and downs first week playing at the wrong level (ahem!) as per usual. This last 9 days i've been playing mostly $0.25/$0.50 and i've had a pretty good run at it. I can't say it's got my blood pumping, but at least it's been profitable and i've not been risking my whole roll. Over the course of 5 days playing on average 2-3 hours a day (i fade after that online!) i'd moved from $400 and change to $1,500. Now normally at this point i'd rock on upto a $2/$4 or higher table and 'take a chance' at a higher level. This time however I decided change the goalposts...
Rather than continue playing low limit poker I would make a deal with myself. If I could build the $1,500 into $2,000 I would take $300 of that and play a little $2/$4. So I ran it up to $2,250 in a few days and banked some of it ($250) before playing at a higher level. Now if I lost the $500 I would have to start playing low limit again, but as long as I bank $250 a week I'm free to play the game which are a little juicer!!
I've had a pretty good few days so far including this session yesterday.
http://www.gutshot.com/bforum/showthread.php?t=26911My high so far is nearly $5k, but at the moment i'm down to $3,800 of which $2,500 is my drop down line. I've had most success playing $5/$10, but i'm going to try and play mostly $1.50/$3 or a little higher. They seem fairly easy and at least at no stage am i risking it all. I'd be interested to know what people's thoughts are on this method of bankroll management?
Anyway, had my little girl over yesterday and it was her 7th birthday today so i'm knackered after helping organise her swimming party for 15 of her friends!! Tonight I plan to play a little poker at the Gutshot followed by golf tomorrow. Splendid.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Cocked and Ready for Action!
Booked my flights for Vegas the other day!! I fly on June 24th for 2 weeks. Jesus I can't wait! I don't really know anyone out there particularly well, but i'm sure i'll meet people from the Gutshot as I did last year.I went to the club last week to play cash for the first time in many months. Sat down in the £1-£2 PLH game and played my usual array of cards. Sat with £200 and within 2 hours i'd spun that up to £575 so I cashed out. One hand did stick out. I raised in early position to £6 with suited AJ and got 7 callers! Ahem!! Then the big blind, who'd done his stack several times already squeezed it up to £50. I went into the tank for a brief moment before binning the AJ. The raiser then got 2 callers. The flop comes 3h 3d 5c. The original raiser pushes for his last £70 while saying 'nobody can have a 3 with that action preflop', he gets insta called by the other players. Now guess what they had... The raiser had Q 10 off suit, first caller 34 sooted and the final person has 78!! Jesus I wouldn't have had them on that. The orginal reraiser then said 'I knew I was ahead pre flop!'... What?!?! With 8 people in the pot he didn't thing anyone had a pair or a card higher than a queen?! The turn and river come 78 to give the small side pot to the 78. What an odd hand!
I hope the games are this juicy in Vegas!!