Monday, 3 May 2010

April Update

After the last post I continued to play little poker during April. Something I need to rectify during May. I played the GUKPT in Manchester and lasted 4 levels. I'd love to say I got unlucky, but that just wasn't the case. I ran into big hands when i was weak, and when I held the nuts, my fellow players had air. Shame. I did manage to make it back to London for the monthly £300 at the International and final tabled that for a small £700 profit. To be honest i never felt so bad at a poker table from around 6pm to midnight. I was in constant pain and gobbling painkillers every few minutes. I guess any profit on a day like that is a result!!

Online I've played very little during the whole of April, mainly down to poor health, but also I was running so bad in MTT's that I thought it better to take a 'time-out' than spunk my backers cash up the wall. I keep playing a smallish volume of $60 Turbo STT's on Pokerstars (around 270 by month end) and ran up just under $2,000 in profit. I wouldn't say i was running above par, but I was playing so nitty to get in the cash that it seemed to pay off anyway.

May looks like it's going to be a busier month. I want to attend the UKIPT in Notts, GUKPT in Coventry, play some SCOOP events and try to get in at least 2 days a week of online MTT's. I also want to try for the International Cash Race over the next 3 months which means playing cash games at the club once a week minimum. On top of that i plan to play 1500 $60 turbos STT's on Stars.

I realise that quite a lot to commit to during May, but I want to do it and need some kind of forfeit if I don't... Any suggestions.

I'll try and put a update in daily during May to try and keep me focused!
