Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Finally & off to Prague & 2010 Goals...

After Sunday night/morning i was pretty flat on Monday, also very tired. I woke earlyish with only a couple of hours sleep with my Crohns causing me a lot of pain and discomfort, but as the day dragged on i felt better and decided I would jump back in the saddle so to speak and play a few more MTT's.

I entered 5 on Full Tilt and Pokerstars. I made sure they were only early starts as i didn't want to be playing much after midnight and got under way. Again i was staked by Howard and he was railing via IM. I tend to find having people railing me helps my play.. less chance of making a foolish move! That said i still crashed out of 3 of the comps in the first few hours. I was left in the $109 on Pokerstars and the $20 rebuy on Full Tilt that i chopped last week. I was building
decent stacks in both, but bubbled the $20 rebuy. In the other comp however i was catching card after card, and not having too many tough decisions, unlike the million and $20 rebuy last week where every hand was pretty tough to play.

I winged my way to the final table by about midnight, and although i lost a few pots early on i managed to run over the final table and finally made my first 5
figure win. I got cards in nice spots and ended up in the final 3 against the two weak players on the table so it really all fell my way. First paid $12,650 which nearly made up for the night before. It also means that my total winnings for Feb now exceed the $30k mark. A pretty good start to the year!!

After that i've decided to set myself some poker goals for the year... I'd be interested to know what people think?

1) 3 x $10k+ MTT cashes during 2010
2) 10 x $5k + MTT cashes during 2010
3) 1 major final table online during 2010 (Million, Warmup, SCOOP, WCOOP, FTOPS, Brawl etc)
4) Make $10k+ from STT's during 2010 (This was going to be higher, but my focus will be on MTT's now)
5) Play 1 EPT event
6) Play 2 GUKPT and UKIPT events each.
7) Cash in one of the above events.

Any advice would be appreciated either here or on the forum. I really appreciate the posts people have made so far giving their thoughts on turning pro etc etc.

Finally, I'm off to Prague tomorrow morning to play the Prague leg of the Paradise tour with JJ. I'm playing the €200 event on Friday and then the main event on Saturday. I'll try and post updates as much as possible to keep people up to date.

I'm also looking to start doing some video posts... do people think this is worthwhile?

All the best
db xx

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