Friday, 26 February 2010

Prague Day 1

I arrived in Prague yesterday pretty shattered. After grabbing a few hours kip i popped next door to find JJ deep in a PLO MTT sitting there in his pants having downed a bottle of whisky. I'll let JJ report how the MTT turned out for him... With me stone cold sober we ducked out and found a lovely little place for some food and had a couple of pints, before heading back to the Hotel/Casino where the Paradise events are being held. We both sat down in 1/2 NLH cash games to kill some time. I played on a table with 3 of the biggest fish i've played in my life and 3 pretty solid gents. After seeing bugger all for 2 hours i left the table +£100. JJ meanwhile had dropped a buyin, bought back in and i found out this morning ended the session +£400 after hitting some tres sexy cards. He even got 1000 of the local $$ for hitting quads. MBN.

I got a pretty good night sleep, and after a wander around town sat down in the €200+20 side event. With a starting stack of 10,000, 65 entries and a clock very similar to the £100 at the International it looked like a pretty good structure. JJ was also playing and roared to 15k, whilst i played no hands for 90 mins and my chips dwindled to 8k. After 3 levels the dinner break and up to that point i'd played one. The best i'd seen was KQ suited. I lost. After the break JJ got knocked out in 40th, and it seemed i wouldn't be too far behind him. I successfully managed to double up when i 3 bet shoved on the button with 77 and got called by AQ.

After that i managed to play a little more aggressively and chipped my way up to 30k without showdown. Then this hand came up. Blinds are 800/400 with a 50 ante and i'm sitting on 33k. The British guy to my right had about 28k and had been playing relatively passively. I'm UTG and raise with AKos to 1850. I'd not been playing many hands so my image was pretty solid. It fold all the way to the BB who makes some comment about wanting to get rid of his last two 25 chips and throws in a call. The flop comes a nice AK3 with two spades. He now leads into me for an over pot sized bet of around 5500. Now he's not doing that with a set so i have him on a ace too. Maybe the same hand, hopefully AQ or lower. I decided to call and see if he leads again on the turn and raise him then. The turn bring a 7h and he checks. Now i think maybe he's got a flush draw or a Ace little. I decide to bet big to price out a flush draw and put a 12,000 out there. He dwells before calling. Mmmm maybe no flush draw then. Unless he's hit the 7 then i still don't have him on a set and more likely the Ace or some random two pair. The river brings a spade. I'm not over joyed, but i think the chance of him calling the big turn bet with that isn't likely. He now leads into me with nearly all his remaining chips. I go into the tank for an age and eventually call. He flips Q8 of spades for a rivered flush. Fair play to him, but this surely has to be -ve calling the turn!!

I love to know people thoughts on this hand. Maybe i should have just shoved the turn?
Anyway, i went out a short time afterwards 3 betting a MP raiser with Q10 suited. I get snapped off with AA and i'm out in 20th. I didn't see any pair above 88 all day, didn't make anything better than a pair until the AK hand above. Although i fall short of cash i'm happy with the way i played... Sadly that doesn't pay the bills.

Tomorrow the €500+50. I'll save my hands for then!!

Ewan and some of the Paradise boys have just headed out so i'm debating whether to join them for some drinks, totally ignoring Ed's advice :-), or have a boring early night in. God i live a boring live at the moment!! When i feel better i have to get out for drinks more! It's been 6 months since i've been on a date too... far too long!

Laters db x

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